Coaching Top Performers

I speak and train in front upwards of 100+ people week in my current role as an enterprise tech sales trainer.

That skill has translated well to helping top performers perform better...

...more specifically, 'How to get my clarity, drive, and performance...but without my disease'.

If you're a top performer and want to perform better, I'm taking on beta clients for my coaching program.

This is a new program and I'm still learning so I'm only working with a max of 7 people. Details are still being ironed, but the general idea is 3 months of a 1:1 work together for 1hr per week.

We will work together to help you get the clarity, drive, and performance you're looking for to help achieve the things you want to achieve...AND find happiness.

The program starts ~July 15, 2023.

I already have 6 slots confirmed, so there is one opening left.

If you'd like the last slot, please email me at: